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Overview of financial years and periods

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This document provides you the steps to creating and maintaining financial years and periods.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is applicable to product update 407 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.

How do I reopen closed periods?

  1. Under the Period and year control section, click the Calendar icon at Period-date calendar.
  2. In the overview screen, select the relevant financial year.
  3. Click Reopen periods.
  4. A confirmation message will be displayed. Click Yes to proceed, or click No to cancel. If you clicked Yes, a green check mark will be displayed in the Open column to indicate that the periods in the selected financial year have been reopened.

How do I close periods?

  1. Under the Period and year control section, click the Calendar icon at Period-date calendar.
  2. In the overview screen, select the relevant financial year.
  3. Click Close periods.
  4. A confirmation message will be displayed. Click Yes to proceed, or click No to cancel.
  5. A notification message will be displayed. Click OK.

How do I delete financial years?

  1. Under the Period and year control section, click the Calendar icon at Period-date calendar.
  2. In the overview screen, select the relevant financial year.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. A confirmation message will be displayed. Click Yes to proceed, or click Cancel.
  5. A warning message will be displayed if there are budget entries created for the selected financial year. Click Yes to proceed, or click No to cancel.

How do I modify or view the periods in financial years?

  1. Under the Period and year control section, click the Calendar icon at Period-date calendar.
  2. In the overview screen, select the relevant financial year.
  3. Click Open.
  4. In the Period-date table screen, the periods defined for the selected financial year will be displayed.
  5. To modify the periods, make the necessary changes in the relevant columns.

How do I create financial years?

  1. Under the Period and year control section, click the Calendar icon at Period-date calendar.
  2. In the overview screen, click New.
  3. In the Period-date table, define the Start date and End date columns.
  4. Click Save, and then click Close.
  5. A confirmation message will be displayed. Click Yes to save the changes, click No to cancel the changes, or click Cancel to go back to the previous screen. For more information, see Creating and maintaining period-date table.

How do I set the default financial year?

  1. Under the Period and year control section, click the Calendar icon at Period-date calendar.
  2. In the overview screen, click Settings.
  3. In the Settings screen, define the default financial year at Default financial year.
  4. Click Save. For more information, see Defining default financial year and maximum entry periods.

How do I set the maximum entry period for a financial year?

  1. In the overview screen, click Settings.
  2. In the Settings screen, define the maximum entry period at Maximum entry period.
  3. Click Save. For more information, see Defining default financial year and maximum entry periods.


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 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 12.305.092
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release:  Attachment: